The highest possible standard of behaviour is expected from members at all times. Members must ensure that familiarise themselves with these rules. All rules will be enforced.
The lakes at Gayhurst are located on private land and for the use of AMTS Members only. It is in member’s own interests to ask anyone walking around the lakes if they have permission to do so, and to request them to leave the area if they are not members and advising them that the land is private. Any problems or difficulties should be referred to AMTS Fisheries or the Bailiffs.
The lakes at Gayhurst are located on private land and for the use of AMTS Members only. It is in member’s own interests to ask anyone walking around the lakes if they have permission to do so, and to request them to leave the area if they are not members and advising them that the land is private. Any problems or difficulties should be referred to AMTS Fisheries or the Bailiffs.
- Membership is seasonal by invitation of AMTS Fisheries, who are under no obligation to offer anyone Membership for a further season. AMTS Fisheries may terminate membership at any time, and rule breaking or any bad behaviour will bring immediate expulsion, the decision of AMTS Fisheries to be final in all cases.
- Non-Members must not be taken onto the waters without permission.
- Guest Tickets - Limited Guest tickets are available to anglers only and are issued to Members at £15 per person for a day ticket this is at the discretion of AMTS Fisheries. Arrangements for guest tickets must be made well in advance, with details of the date and the name of the guest, no guest may be taken on the property unless their written consent has arrived. Members are responsible for their Guests and the Guest must adhere to all rules. Members must be present with their Guest at all times.
- The use of Keep Nets and Carp Sacks is not permitted, all fish must be returned to the water immediately.
- No radios/music players (except those with ear plugs), guns, fires, barbecues, alcohol, drugs, picnics, boats, swimming, dogs or camping. Bivvies’ will be allowed throughout the 2024-2025 season.
- Two rods only are allowed, and must not be left unattended at any time, they must be placed within six feet of each other. (Persons found leaving rods unattended in the water will be asked to leave.) It is not permitted to have a third bite alarm (buzzer) set up in your swim.
- An Environment Agency Rod Licence is required, and Byelaws must be observed at all times.
- You are not permitted to reserve swims for others.
- No long stay fishing is allowed, maximum stay is 24 hours – no return within 24 hours. For stays of less than 12 hours, return will be permitted on the next day.
- No litter – please take it home with you, even the smallest piece. Anyone seen fishing with litter near them, or known to have fished a swim where litter is found will lose their Membership. Do not leave discarded nylon line as this may damage wildlife. Don’t do anything that will bring harm to water birds or any form of wildlife. Will all smokers please ensure that you discard of your cigarette butt safely by taking it home with you and not leaving them on the lakeside or extinguish in the lakes as this brings harm to the fish.
- You must carry your Membership Card with you at all times and be prepared to show it to AMTS Fisheries Bailiffs, or any official of the property owners. Any Member is entitled to ask anyone else on the lakes to show their Membership Card, on production of their own.
- Do not trespass on the surrounding land.
- No fish to be taken away and no fish to be put in the water.
- Unhooking mats must be used at all times for large carp, tench and bream.
- Please take care of the fish. You must never stand up whilst holding a fish – when taking a photograph or returning a fish to the water. Always keep the fish as low to the ground as possible either above an adequately padded unhooking mat for photos or in a sling when returning the fish to the water.
- The Lessees and Land Owners reserve the right to close the waters on any days that they require to do so. Members will be notified in advance of any closures, and members may not go on the property for any reason on these days.
- Please ensure that you do not damage the lakes or land in any way. No clearing or digging holes in the bank except on Official Working Parties authorised by AMTS Fisheries.
- Multiple baits such as peas, nuts, beans, etc. to be used in moderation and prepared correctly before use (soak and boil baits before use).
- The use of artificial (plastic) baits is not permitted.
- Bent hooks and permanently fixed leads are not allowed. If using fixed leads, they should be used in such a way that they are easily released.
- The use of heavy line straight through to the hook is not permitted. A lighter hook length should be considered while fishing. This applies to surface and bottom styles of fishing. Bailiffs have the right to inspect terminal tackle.
- Barbless and semi barbless hooks are the only type of hooks allowed.
- Do not at any time feed, or encourage the feeding of wild fowl (Ducks, Geese, Swans etc.) as this could lead to a clash of interest.
- Cars should be parked in an orderly fashion on the grass verge areas on the lakeside of the road (as you approach from the main road it is the grass on the left-hand side). Lakeside parking is possible on the top lake. AMTS Fisheries do not accept any liability for damage or loss to vehicles.
- Please ensure the volume of bite alarms is kept to a minimum level both during the day and at night for the comfort of other members.
- Recovery of property eg: lost rods/pole sections or any personal items is entirely at the members own risk, however, you must inform AMTS Fisheries of any loss and intensions of recovery.
- Surface baits are permitted on both lakes provided you are fishing. You are not permitted to loose feed surface fished baits if you are not fishing. Please also refer to Rule 21.
- Members are encouraged to practice good fish care by treating any wounds or damage to the fish by using Klinik Fish Care Antiseptic or any other antibacterial fungal barrier cream.
- These are private waters on private land. You should not do anything to disturb others.
- Please keep noise to a minimum. Do not shout across the lakes, or to others fishing in other swims, and keep lights at night to a minimum.
- Please be considerate of other members and keep the volume of bite alarms, mobile phones, and voices to a minimum level.
- Living with COVID-19 - Members must adhere to any guidelines set out by the Government and The Angling Trust.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact AMTS Fisheries using the details provided on your membership card.